The pandemic has killed parts of the travel industry.
Airline passengers are scared of traveling. The holiday travel in 2019 is far below normal levels. The travel industry has suffered massive losses and will impact any activity you plan to do on your next trip.
Research demonstrates the impact of the pandemic on airline passengers during the last few years. As constant travelers, this would help us explore the new places in the United States that will open budget travelers to new adventures. It shocked me to discover that travel has not bounced back, and airline passengers are frightened to travel.
Christmas Holiday Airport Travel
The Christmas 2021 airports saw up to five hundred thousand fewer passengers. Airport travel is drastically below the 2019 levels. On an average day in 2019, approximately 2.5 million travelers per day. In 2021 the latest year, the average was 2 million airport travelers. A significant impact on the industry at large. How are we going to overcome this without change? 2020 was a 1.5 million airline passenger drop from the 2019 levels. We have seen some progress with 2021, but there will be hospitality that is suffering without these passengers.

July 4th below expectations for travel industry
July 4th season was supposed to be a turning point in the pandemic. That didn’t occur. Airline passengers stayed home for another holiday. The average number of airline passengers was only around 1.75 million for 2021 compared to over a million higher in 2019. This drop shows us that people aren’t ready to venture out. As industry experts, we need to look at how we provide the correct details to regain the trust of travelers.

Airline passengers scared during the Easter Holiday – 2020
2020 was a disaster for the Easter holiday season. The pandemic had just started in March 2020. Travelers stayed at home. This has an impact on the industry. 2021 has begun change but we are still one million passengers shy of the normal levels in 2019. 2020 put a number in the industry out of business. This put more pressure on the others in the industry. Improvements are happening but it is slow. They are losing money to stay open.

President Week Airline Travel
2021 is still below airline passenger travel from 2019 and 2020 during the President’s week. Airline travel was a million travelers less per day. We may not be able to get to the levels that existed before the pandemic. , We need to consider this for airline passenger travel. The travel industry is hoping that in 2022 this will increase back to normal levels. Research shows an increase in travel from Feb 2020, but it may not recover to 2019 levels anytime soon.

This analysis shows that all holidays airline passenger travel was adversely affected by the pandemic and leisure travel. We have seen the impact on restaurants that don’t have enough workers to hotels closing. The industry needs support if we are going to offer exceptional opportunities to the world.
2022 travel has been impacted because the passengers aren’t traveling. What can we do to change this?
Cruise Ship effected by covid.
The Hotel Industry could suffer in the new year.