Have you spent hours looking into headphones? I did to find the best for the budget traveler in us all.

Have you spent hours looking into headphones? I did to find the best for the budget traveler in us all.
White Heron Golf Course in Davenport, Florida a residential community golf course. Thoughts on the White Heron golf course The third hole is a perfect illustration of the golf course. The third hole is an elevated tee box with water on both sides of a fairway, a creek running on the left, and a big …
A nice round on the reserve golf Orlando It’s a great summer day and we decided to visit the Reserve at Orange Lake, in Orlando. The golf course is part of the Holiday Inn properties just off of 192 at the corner of rte 192 and highway 429 in Orlando. When you booking you have …
A self walking tour around Saratoga Springs Saratoga Springs New York is a tale known for the races from Belmont to come up here during the summer months. It’s a great place to go, see the races, and have many opportunities to stretch your legs for a walk. I was surprised by how much this …